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Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself

Whether you have been in a relationship for a long or a short time there is always room for knowing each other more. There are many questions to ask your boyfriend about yourself to know if he knows you.

Asking each other questions enables us to know each other better and understand the other person. The more questions you ask, the stronger the bond and the more you know the other person.

Below are some awesome questions to ask your boyfriend about yourself. Feel free to select a question that is ideal for your relationship as relationships are not the same.

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself

What activity do you like doing with me that makes you happy?

What is your memorable memory with me?

What is one thing that I can do to make you feel loved and cared for?

How do you feel when you are close to me?

Does anything about me make you feel inferior?

Do you feel that I consistently show how important you are to me?

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself

What was your first impression about me?

What attracts you most to me?

What do you like about me the most?

What do you appreciate most about our relationship?

Do you feel comfortable talking to me about anything in life?

Is there something I do that makes you feel loved?

What is the hardest thing do you know I have ever done in my life?

Read: Deep Things to Say to Your Boyfriend Over Text

Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself

In what ways do you think I’ve changed since we started dating?

Can you describe your favorite memory of us together and why it stands out to you?

How do you feel when we spend time apart?

What have you learned from me?

Do you feel like I support your goals and dreams?

How would you like me to show you my affection and love?

What can I do to make our relationship stronger?

How do you describe our relationship with others?

Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself

How can I become a better partner?

Do I intimidate you in any way?

What thing do I do that annoys you and what should I do to change?

How do you see our future as a couple?

Do you feel like we spend adequate quality time together?

What is my greatest strength?

What do you think we can do as a couple?

Do you feel like I understand your needs?

Do you feel like I’m consistent in showing how important you are in my life?

What is something interesting that you see in me?

Which one of my dresses do you like most?

What is your favorite thing about our relationship?

What makes me different from other people?

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to See If He Knows You

What do you love about my personality?

What’s my favorite hobby?

What’s my favorite food?

Which adventurous activity do I like?

What’s my favorite TV show?

How many languages can I fluently speak?

Do I prefer to have coffee or tea?

Which countries have I visited?

Where do I come from?

Which is my favorite pet?

What’s my favorite holiday destination?

What food do I dislike?

What’s my favorite sport?

What do I like doing when I feel stressed?

Which is my favorite grocery store?

What am I most afraid of?

What chore do I find most frustrating?

What chore do I love doing or find pleasure in?

What do you think is more important in my life?

What was my childhood nickname?

What was my most embarrassing moment?

Where would I go on vacation if I had a lot of money?

What am I good at?

What personal habit am I most proud of?

What is my biggest dream?

What is my favorite color?

What did I want to be when I was a kid?

Where was I born?

Which of my siblings is my favorite?

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Yourself to Make Him Laugh

What were my silliest nicknames when I was growing up?

How would you feel if I was a junkie?

How would you feel if I used your toothbrush?

Is there any accomplishment in our relationship that you are proud of?

What’s the funniest thing you have ever found me doing?