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Inspirational Easter Quotes

As we look at Easter quotes that will inspire you it is good to remember the whole reason for the season. Every Easter, Christians across the world come together and remember how their savior Jesus Christ died on the cross.

During this season Christians are inspired to have a deeper faith in salvation through Jesus Christ. Having died on the cross and being resurrected on the third is a good illustration of the sovereignty of Jesus. Christians are assured of heaven through the salvation of Jesus.

Inspirational Easter Quotes

Have a look at some of the 30 Easter quotes that will inspire you

As Christians we know the share of mercy we have in our Lord Jesus, Our share comes in when we know that we will rise from the dead just like Christ rose. Our faith in the resurrection is what gives us hope in every trial, just knowing even after death there is life.

On the third day the stone was rolled away, indicating victory over death, through our Lord Jesus on every deathbed, there is everlasting life, just believe in Him

Nothing can be compared to the scenery of our Lord Jesus at the cross, the Son of God choosing to be a man and be humiliated in the worst way ever, all to save the souls of mankind.

At the Calvary, the battle between sin and death was overcome. No longer are we condemned to misery and accusation of eternal destruction. We are overcomers through Jesus.

It’s only the unconditional love of Jesus that nailed Him on the cross. Only his love will hold and let Him be mocked, put on a crown of thorns, and even be pierced.

This Eater as we talk about the salvation of our Lord Jesus, we have no reason to be afraid, ashamed, or even stammer. We were simply bought at a price higher than any human being was willing to give.

Through one man, Adam, sin was established in the world. Through Jesus, who was born as man, righteousness, and salvation came to all mankind. This is the very reason we celebrate Christmas.

At the death of Jesus, hell rejoiced thinking that evil and death had overcome. On the third after His death, heaven rejoiced: Jesus has risen and all mankind is united back to God. What a joy!

The gospel we rejoice in came through the Calvary and resurrection. Without this, we would have no gospel.

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The victory of Jesus’ death on the cross will be evident when we stand for Judgment. All those who believed in Him will have everlasting life.

The joy Peter felt on Easter morning could not be described, after mourning finally he hears his savior has risen. Our joy as Christians will always be that one day we will live again even after death.

At the cross, He was mocked, but on the resurrection day, He silenced all those who disapproved He was the son of God. Easter proved all that He claimed to be: God with us

The grace of God was brought to mankind through the cross, people who had been separated from Him were united back to Him, all those who believe are known to be children of God.

At His death on the Calvary, Jesus became our high priest, the curtains were torn. No longer was the atonement of our sins given to any man but to Jesus. Freely we go to His presence and seek His face.

They thought it was a joke when he said He would raise the temple on the third day. Even the thief at the cross had the courage to mock Him. The resurrection is the evidence He presented to the world that He was with the Father and He was the son of God

Just like He said He would rise again and He did, so shall we expect Him to come back just like He promised

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The marks He got from the nails at the cross will be the sure sign that we will see on His hands when he comes back

In the history of humanity, no one was worthy enough to die for the sins of mankind. For how could one with sins die for the sins of others? Jesus, our savior had no sins, was a righteous son of God, and the Lamb of God was the only one worthy to die for our sins.

The best way we can celebrate Easter is by spreading the gospel, letting the world know the intent of Christ’s love to have all human being to be united back to God

He loved the world, perfect love was given to us, and this world full of imperfections is made perfect through the death of our Lord Jesus.

From the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden God had a purpose to unite with man. Prophets prophesied of a savior, and the ancient world looked forward to His coming but God’s plan was fulfilled at His own perfect time, Jesus died for all.

In old times, numerous animals were sacrificed to bring atonement for man’s sins, at the Calvary the blood of Jesus was shed, no longer was man required to offer the sacrifice of blood, all he needed was to just believe that died for our sins.

At the cross even creation acknowledged the death of our savior, darkness loomed and the earth shook, truly mankind had been redeemed.

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The power of sin over a man was defeated; demons trembled, and the Son of God died to set the captive free.

At the cross, heaven’s love was brought down to mankind.

Easter is a too magnificent occasion to be celebrated in just a day. The death and resurrection of our Lord should always be in our hearts. This is because we were forgiven all because of His death.

As Christians, we may disagree on the exact dates when Jesus was born and died. But the important thing which we all agree on is that Jesus, being God was born and died to redeem us back to God.

In the current world, no amount of description or image can truly create an image of what Jesus went through. The pain and shame He went through is a good sign that love was the greatest

During the Easter season, every Good Friday we remember how Jesus died. The best way to do this is to let Christ be born in our hearts and accept His salvation

Our Lord Jesus has risen, so how can we doubt the promises He gave us? This Easter let the faith in us be renewed and rebuild

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