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Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met

The time has come and you have finally met the girl of your dreams, but you don’t know if she is the one. You want to ask her some questions to know if she is your dream girl.

It is always good to ask the right questions when you meet a girl for the first time. This will help you know if you are compatible and help you understand the other person better.

When you have met a girl for the first time you might be lost for words and don’t know what to ask the girl to keep the conversation going and know the girl better. Asking the right questions will also enable you to know if you want to pursue the girl further.

Here are some flirty questions to ask a girl you just met

Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met

Where do you come from?

What do you do for a living?

You are beautiful, what’s your secret?

What do you love about your job?

Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?

Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met

Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?

You have got a beautiful name. What does your name mean?

Do you frequent this restaurant?

Can I buy you lunch today?

Is this your favorite hang-out place?

What excites you most?

Things To Ask A Girl You Just Met

What is your life dream?

Your smile makes me desire you more. It draws me closer to you. Can I know your name?

Do you know you are a beautiful woman?

If you could choose a guy right now, what are the qualities you would like him to have?

You seem to be a very cheerful person. What is your secret?

Will you say yes if I ask you out on a date?

There is something that is attracting me to you. Can I take you out for dinner?

You are very attractive. I have never seen such beauty in this town. Do you live around?

I can’t resist the temptation to talk to you, that’s why I have walked over here. Is this seat next to you taken?

You are beautiful. Can I take you on a date?

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Will mind having a walk with me?

I love your fashion. Who is your designer?

You look familiar. Have we met before?

It is every man’s dream to have such a wonderful girl in their life. Can I take you out for a date?

It is a pleasure to meet such a pretty girl. Can I give you a ride?

You look like a tough lady. What gets you going when faced with life challenges?

I think we were meant to meet today. Will you be my date?

How many children would you love to have?

If I told you that you are stunning would you walk out from me?

Do you live alone?

You have pretty eyes. Who did you take after?

Love at first sight. Do you think it is real?

Can I know more about you?

What are your life goals and aspirations?

How often do you go partying?

What makes a beautiful evening for you?

I love it when you smile. Can I get more of your smile?

The way you look at me. Were you expecting me?

Do you think we have a future together?

What is the best thing that has happened to you today?

What makes you laugh?

What is your favorite place in the world?

What is your favorite movie I would like to watch it with you.

What is your take on kissing in public?

Can I kiss you?

What is one thing in your life that gives you butterflies?

Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?

Can I hug you?

Would you accept me to hold your hand?

Would you allow me to kiss you?

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What Are Some Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl?

What is the strangest dream you have ever had?

What’s your dream holiday location?

Do you have any siblings?

How well are you familiar with your siblings?

Have you ever traveled out to the country?

What is your best time to work?

Do you think we have ever met?

You have a beautiful dress. What is the style?

Are you close to your parents?

What do you do for fun?

What’s your favorite kind of food?

What do you look for in a guy you date?

What was your first impression of me?

Whom do you resemble?

How do you unwind during weekends?

Do you like to dance?

What do you love about the outdoors?

How old are you?

If asked to make a wish, what would your wish be?

What kind of music do you listen to?

What is your favorite way to spend Friday evening?

What’s your goal in life right now?

What was your childhood life like?

Very Funny Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl

Do you think I have the slightest chance of winning your heart?

You’re gorgeous. Will you tell me your name if I ask?

What’s the best app that you use to chat, I would like to join.

Do you think we can make the best couple?

How will you feel if I kiss you right now?

Do you snore?

How can you rate my handsome?

Am I handsome for you?

I think you’re beautiful. Will you prove me wrong?

How hot do you like your tea?

Will you run away if I asked you to be mine forever?

How do you want me to hug you, sideways or fully?

What will you do if I kiss you right now?

Do you always smile the way you smile?

Do you think you have fallen in love with me?

If I asked you to be my girlfriend, would you ask me to propose?

What things do you admire in me?

If you had the chance to travel right now across the world, where would you go?

What was your favorite TV show as a kid?


Wondering what to ask a woman you just met? These questions will enable you to pick the right question to ask a woman that you just met. Don’t think so hard, let everything flow with ease. Within your conversation, you will find things to ask a girl you just met.