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I’ll Keep Loving You – Quotes, Messages & Poems

It feels so beautiful to be in love with someone. A person who makes you happy, someone who is always there for you no matter the challenges in life you will love them.

Relationships are always faced with many challenges; they sometimes come with tears and pain. Do you walk away, or how do you handle the challenge. Find I Will Keep Loving You quotes, messages, and poems for him or her.

I Will Keep Loving You Quotes

I don’t know where I went wrong; all I know is that I dearly love you. I will love you no matter what.

I want to keep every moment we have shared alive forever for you are my soul mate, I will keep on loving you every single day of my life.

I will keep on loving you until the end of time comes.

No matter what happens in life, I will keep on loving you, I will always be there for you.

The moment you walked into my life, I knew you were the one, I wanted more of you. You came into my life with a purpose. I will keep on loving you.

You took control of my heart; you became the king and desire of my heart. I promise you I’ll keep, loving you until eternity.

You stole my heart and every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year of my life, I keep loving you.

I love you dearly; I have never stopped loving you. I will keep loving you

Even when it destroys me, I’ll keep loving you. That’s how much you mean the world to me

My love, there is no way I will let you go. You are my everything and my heart beats for only you. I’ll keep loving you

I will never stop, I’ll keep on loving you no matter the challenges in life. I care for you and will always do for you are the better half in life. I love you, baby.

There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing a smile on your face. You are my happiness and I’ll keep loving you.

Darling, No matter the distance, no matter where I am, I’ll keep loving you.

You have deeply touched my heart, and my thoughts are always filled with you, I smile a lot and miss your company. My wish is to be with you forever. And I’ll keep loving you

I feel so sad because you are leaving, I can’t imagine a life without the love of my life. I want you back my sweetheart. Remember I’ll keep loving you no matter what happens.

Darling, I will climb mountains for you, I will cross the oceans for you. I will risk everything just to keep loving you.

I Will Keep Loving You Messages

I will keep loving you as long as my heart’s beating.

I will keep on loving you dear, I’ll love you until the end of time, and I’ll be with you no matter what happens.

You are a treasure in my life. I will continue loving you to the end of time.

You are the most important person in my life. I will keep you in my heart forever.

In this lifetime, I’ll keep loving you until my last breath.

Sweetheart, I keep loving you every day.

I keep on loving you more every day

I can’t imagine a world without you. I will continue to love you.

I Will Keep on Loving You Message

I will keep on loving you until my last breath.

I can’t imagine a day that I won’t love you. I will keep on loving you.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I will love you tomorrow and I will keep on loving you.

You are my one and only one, my forever. I will keep on loving you.

In this lifetime, I will love you, even in the next lifetime; I will keep on loving you.

You are my world; you color everything in my life. I will keep on loving you.

Nothing will ever stop me from loving you; I will love you until my last breath.

I’ll Keep Loving You Poem

No matter the ups and downs
Even if you break my heart
I’ll keep loving you
No one is perfect

I have known you from the beginning
Mistakes do happen
All we need is to find a solution
I promise I’ll keep loving you

I am setting you free
To explore the world
To find someone
But I’ll keep loving you

I may not be perfect
But we can make things right
For the rest of my life
I’ll keep loving you

I Will do Whatever it takes to Love You Poem

My sweetheart,
You are the best gift for me
An angel sent from heaven
I will do whatever it takes to love you

The feeling I have is amazing
I will treasure this love we share
I will always be there for you
Do whatever it takes to love you

Whenever I see your smile
My heart skips
Whenever I see your eyes
I see my soul in your eyes

I’ll do whatever it takes
To ensure you have a comfortable life
I will give you
Everything you have ever dreamed of

You are the one I desire
To hold,
Spend my life with
I will do whatever it takes to love you

I Will Do Whatever It Takes To Keep You Poem

My love,
You are heaven-sent
The best gift that has ever happened to me
I will do whatever it takes to keep you

You are like a charm
My thoughts are always about you
The feeling towards you is irresistible
The love I have for you is strong

I cannot describe how I feel
It doesn’t matter how long I wait for you
My love for you is forever
I will be always there for you

My dear, I promise to do whatever it takes to keep you
I will cherish, love, and support you
I will always be yours
The love we share is real
I love you

Loving you is my occupation Poem

If loving you is my occupation
I would love you every day
You will always be in my thoughts

If loving you was a job
I would be the best-qualified candidate
I would be dedicated to my work

If loving you is my occupation
I would be in your arms always
The place I would ever want to be

If loving you is my occupation
You would be my inspiration
You would be my motivation
You would be part of me

Loving you is my occupation
I want to love you
I want to be always right
Achieve our dreams together
Show the world how I love you

Loving You Is So Easy Poem

Loving you is so easy,
You are my first thought each morning when I rise.
You are the last thought before I close my eyes every night.
You are part of each thought I have and every breath I take.

Every move you make
My feelings are growing stronger
You are an angel sent from above.
My love for you is so strong.

Loving you is so easy
You make my world complete
You brighten my life

From the day I met you
My heart will forever cherish you.
I will never stop loving you.