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Karma Cheating Quotes

A love relationship is not always that smooth. On the way, you might experience heartbreak.

There are times you need reassurance that the cheater will get a taste of their own medicine. When you do evil, evil will also come to you. Karma has a way of teaching someone a lesson.

Find some of the best karma quotes about cheaters. These karma quotes about cheating will give you a sense of peace.

Karma Cheating Quotes

The one who plots harm for others prepares evil for himself.

The one who has lived in the right manner has nothing to fear.

Karma is a big force; it will find you wherever you are.

Every relationship is meaningful. If you don’t play by the rules, karma will find you.

Cheating may give you the satisfaction you need, but remember, Karma has a way of coming back to you.

Cheating on someone is more of cheating on yourself. Karma never forgets, one day you will have to take your own medicine.

Karma takes note of every cheat you make. It has a way of repaying you for your cheating.

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Cheaters Karma Quotes

The universe gives you what you wish for.

Karma is never late; all you need is to be patient.

Karma has no preference. You get served what you deserve.

Cheating is temporary, but remember the result, karma will make you pay the ultimate price.

You can’t cheat your way to success, karma never forgets, it has a way of making you face the consequences.

Cheating may seem like an advantageous way of getting things done, but Karma always catches up with you.

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Karma Cheating Quotes for Him

Karma has a way of exposing cheaters. If you are a cheater, expect your payment.

You will not be punished for cheating, but karma will do.

I will not cry all day because you cheated on me, a friend of mine known as karma will take care of that.

A man experiences the consequences of karma alone.

A man who cheats must suffer the consequences alone.

If you cheat on a good woman, karma will ensure you get what you deserve.

Every cheat has its punishment.

You did it alone, so karma will make you suffer alone.

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Karma Cheating Quotes for Her

I will sit and relax for I trust karma with my cheater’s fate.

Sin always finds its own, and they are punished by themselves.

It is better to be alone than spend time with someone who is never there for you and goes around cheating with your best friends. Your pay is on the way.

You cannot just cheat on someone for no reason. You will pay dearly.

Don’t Play Games With Me, Karma will hit you hard when you least expect it.

Love Karma Cheating Quotes

Having an affair is beautiful, but cheating turns it into something else.

The more you cheat, the more karma prepares to hit you with a bang.

Karma hits when you least expect it. You won’t even notice it.

There is no preference. Karma always gives you what you deserve.

Revenge will never make things right. Karma will.

Just remember: karma never forgets.

Never play with other people’s feelings because you don’t know how karma will repay you.

Never play with someone’s feelings because you can never win the game. You might get away with it, but karma will hit you back.

Karma Quotes for Cheaters

You win some battles as a cheater, but you will always lose the war of truth.

The karma for cheaters comes when you least expect it.

As a cheater, you lose your integrity when karma strikes.

Karma tarnishes one’s soul and erodes trust.

Cheating is temporary happiness, but karma always ensures you pay the ultimate price.

Karma never forgets, It always comes when you least expect it.

What you plant is what you harvest. Karma’s justice hits harder and has no mercy.

Cheaters sow their downfall, karma serves justice.

You may think you are smart in cheating, but karma will serve you with your own medicine.

Cheating may make you look successful, but karma’s reward comes stronger and brings justice.

Karma Quotes for Cheating Boyfriend

Karma is real. It has a way of dealing with boyfriends who cheat.

Cheating may bring temporary pleasures but it has its own repercussions. It will eventually catch up with you.

Don’t lie to yourself; you have just cheated yourself out of true love and happiness.

Karma Quotes for Cheating Girlfriend

The consequences of cheating come when you least expect it. I hope karma catches up with you soon.

When someone cheats, karma never forgets to visit them! Its time is the best.

If you think you will get away with cheating, you are wrong. Karma will cut short your happiness.

Cheating might give you the thrill you seek, but it’s only a matter of time before karma catches up with you.

Karma Quotes for Cheating Wife

There is nothing more hurting than when your wife cheats on you. Karma never forgets. It has a way of dealing with a cheating wife.

Enjoy the moment, but you will not escape the consequences of karma.

Karma’s store is never empty. It is full of consequences. You can never escape them.

Karma Quotes for Cheating Husband

You have written your chapter, karma never forgets. Karma will visit you soon.

Don’t expect karma to sweet talk you when it comes knocking on your door. You have already written your destiny.

You’ll never get happiness until the master of the universe visits you. Karma never loses its address.


In conclusion, cheating karma quotes act as a reminder of the inevitable consequences that come with cheating. This karma about cheating quote reminds us that our actions sometimes have a way of coming back to us in one way or another. These quotes tell us that cheating is not the best path to happiness or success. As much as it offers temporary happiness, it leads to the disruption of many things including our life. Cheating karma quotes apart from reminding us cheating is not the best path to follow, also emphasizes the importance of integrity, honesty, and having good actions. These karma quotes about cheating also encourage self-reflection and highlight what goes around comes around.