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National Dog Day Quotes

The dog is known to be man’s best friend. They are always dedicated to serving their master. National Dog Day is always a day to appreciate their loyalty and trustfulness.

There are many ways in which to celebrate International Dog Day. You can post on your social media timeline, update your status, tweet, or send a text message to someone who has a dog.

On this National Dog Day let us create public awareness about dogs through Happy National Dog Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes, and Images.

When Is National Dog Day

International Dog Day or National Dog Day is celebrated on August 26 every year. Therefore, the National Dog Day is on Friday, 26 August.

National Dog Day is also known as World’s Dog Day, International Dog Day, and Dog Appreciation Day.

National Dog Day Quotes

Life is beautiful when you own a dog. Happy Dog’s Day!

There is a lot to learn when you own a dog. Happy Dog’s Day!

It’s not the dog’s fault that their lives are short; we should make the best memories when they are alive. Happy National Dog Day!

Happiness comes when you own a puppy. Happy International Dog Day!

Some of the greatest treasures in our lives are living things. Happy International Dog Day!

Pure love comes from a four-legged paw. Happy National Dog Day!

National Dog Day is celebrated every single day. Happy Dog Day!

Work like a dog, be loyal like a dog. I wish you a happy National Day!

All puppies are born to live a good life. Happy National Dog Day!

All dogs are born to be shown to the world, show yours off to the world today. Take a photo and post it on Instagram.  Happy National Dog Day!

Read: International Cat Day Quotes

Happy National Dog Day Wishes

A dog’s love always comes naturally. I wish you a Happy National Dog Day!

If you have a dog in your life, be assured you will always have a friend with you. A dog will always be loyal to you no matter what. Wishing you a Happy National Dog Day!

The happiness that comes with a dog cannot be quantified. Happy Dog Day!

The happiness that is brought by a dog is unique and warm. Wishing you a Happy National Dog Day!

The feeling that one has when one owns a dog is just unexplainable. Happy National Dog Day!

Dogs are able to show love to human beings by being loyal to them. Happy National Dog Day!

Once you have a dog, life becomes wonderful. I wish you a happy dog day!

Happy National Dog Day Messages

The magicians of the world are the dogs. Happy National Dog Day!

When I needed company, I found a four-legged friend.  Happy National Dog Day!

Dogs fill our life with happiness and joy. Happy National Dog Day!

A dog will always love you more than you love yourself. Happy National Dog Day!

A dog will always be honest and loyal. They will always listen to what you say. Happy National Dog Day!

A walk with your dog makes you feel good. Happy National Dog Day!

Once you have a dog in your life, you will never want it to go. Wishing you a happy National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day, [dog name]! You’re such an awesome dog!

Happy National Dog Day from [name] and [name]! You are such good dogs.

Dogs always need extra love, show some love to your dog. I wish you a happy National Dog Day!

Love these puppies so much. Happy National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day Quotes

You can easily tell a man if he is good if his dog loves him. Happy National Dog Day!

Dogs are amazing creatures, they may not be whole, but they make our lives whole. Happy National Dog Day!

Dogs have a way of filling people’s hearts with happiness. Happy International Dog Day!

Today is the day of the year that you have to appreciate your dog and give it that extra treat. I wish you a happy National Dog Day!

Dogs are incredible creatures, they make us appreciate life.

Dogs are our happiness. Always treat them well.

Your best friend will never abandon you. Happy National Dog Day!

If you want to love forever, the best thing that you can do is to buy a dog. Happy international day!

From ours to yours, Happy National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day! From [company name]!

It doesn’t matter how you are feeling, a dog will always love you. Happy National Dog Day!

International Dog Day Quotes

Dogs can speak, only if you know how to listen to them. Happy International Dog Day!

If you want to feel happy, own a dog. Happy International Dog Day!

The bond that exists between the owner and the dog is a lasting one. Happy International Dog Day!

Consider treating your pappy this international day in their life. Wishing you a happy International Day!

The help that you much need in life, you will find in a dog. Happy International Dog Day!

No one ever says that they have the worst dog. They all have the best dog.

Some dogs are even better than men. Happy International Dog Day!

Scratch a dog and you will know how good it feels. I wish you a happy International Dog Day!

Thank you to everyone who owns a dog and makes its life comfortable. Happy International Dog Day!

Happy International Dog Day to all legends out there!

Happy National Dog Day! If you’re looking to add a furry addition to your family remember to adopt one.


Dogs feature some of the best traits that you can find anywhere in the world. They are friendly, warm, and loyal. This makes them the best companion to men. A dog knows when you are not in your best mood. It can tell when you are sad or happy. Sometimes a dog can be your guardian angel. Today day as we celebrate National Dog Day, you can treat your dog with something special.