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Quotes about Freedom of Press

Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is very important for any media in any country. Freedom of Press includes electronic media, printed materials, and more so published materials. The press should have the right to express themselves freely.

Freedom of the Press should not have any interference from the state or any outside forces. World Press Freedom Day is celebrated on the 3rd of May each year. It is a day that is celebrated to emphasize the significance of a free press. Freedom to share information is very important for one to make an informed decision.

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Quotes about Freedom of Press

The distribution of the correct information to the public is what entails freedom of the press.

There is no single day Journalism will ever be quiet. It is the greatest weapon of our time.

There is no denial of the growth of a country when there is freedom of the press.

The best educator to the community is the press. That’s why we should have the freedom of press.

The duty of any government is to ensure there is freedom of the press.

Freedom of the Press means the freedom to assess and not to be against.

No prison is big enough to hold free speech.

The freedom of the press should always be free at all costs.

The liberty of any nation depends on the freedom of the press. It cannot be restricted without being lost.

Freedom of the press is a treasure that no country can afford to forgo.

We express ourselves through writing, and if the government or an individual stops you from writing it is as if they have taken your life.

The greatest tool that the community has is the freedom of the press. Therefore it should never be restrained by anyone.

If you own a press, your freedom is limited.

Read: Happy Freedom Day Messages

Freedom of the Press Quotes

A free press can decide to be good or bad, but without freedom of the press, it will always be bad.

Before you make that decision, there must be freedom of the press to give you informative information.

When the rights of free speech and freedom of the press are suppressed, the public right to know becomes threatened.

Without freedom of the press, there is a hidden agenda by the government.

The freedom of the press is such a powerful tool that every government would want to take away its freedom from it.

Freedom of the press is very important for any democracy.

Freedom of the press is not only important to democracy; it is democracy in its way.

Anyone who controls the press controls the mind. That’s why we shouldn’t leave it to the government to take control of the media.

If we don’t believe in freedom of press, then we don’t believe in the freedom to express ourselves. Happy Freedom Day!

We all need the liberty to express ourselves, speak freely and write freely. Happy Freedom Day!

Freedom of Press Quotes

Grant the media the freedom it needs and you will see its impact on society.

A free press is the foundation of a successful society.

A free press is the source of democracy.

Freedom of the press is essential to democracy.

Without freedom of the press, what you get is not what you think it is.

We have to support freedom of speech and freedom of the press if we ever want to know the truth about anything that goes on within the government.

Freedom of the press is what holds democracy together.

Freedom of the press is important if the people who are granted are not able to think for themselves.

We might think the freedom of the press is free but there are areas where they are not able to speak. Their hands are tied.

You cannot choose the type of freedom you want to defend, you must choose all or be against it. Happy Freedom Day!

World Press Freedom Day Quotes

Journalism is under digital captive

The assured security is freedom of the press

World Press Freedom Day is a day to reflect on the issues of press freedom and professional ethics.

Freedom of the press should be guarded at all costs.

All press is good press when there is freedom of the press

History has given me a choice to write it down. Wishing you a Happy World Press Freedom Day!

The freedom of the human mind is known when there is free press and free speech. Happy World Press Freedom Day!

If the government was left to decide on the press, we would have so many lies circulating. We would never have the truth about anything. Happy World Press Freedom Day!

Freedom of the press removes the reliance on information from one source.

The highest law in journalism is giving the truth.

The best watchdogs of our democracy are our Journalists.

As journalists, we should be responsible for what we give to the audience. Happy World Press Freedom Day!


When is World Press Freedom Day Celebrated?

World Press Freedom Day is celebrated on 3 May every year.

Why is World Press Freedom Day celebrated?

It acts as a reminder to governments of the requirement to respect their commitment to press freedom. It is also a day for media professionals to reflect on the issues of press freedom and professional ethics.

When did World Freedom Day start?

World Freedom Day was started in 1993.

What is the meaning of freedom of the press?

It is the right to publish and disseminate information, thoughts, and opinions without restraint or censorship as guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Are there limits to freedom of the press?

Yes. For instance, defamation is also prohibited by law in specific cases, and speech designed to incite immediate violence or unlawful activity is prohibited.

What country has the most freedom of press?

The countries with the most freedom of the press are Norway, Denmark, and Sweden