There are several reasons why people love their best friends. Without a doubt, your best friend is the closest person who knows you better than even some of your relatives.
Having a friendship with someone can originate from different circumstances such as being in the same school, being married, working together, or coming from the same area.
Friendship is not something that is built overnight it takes time and in most cases, it’s hard to get a true friend. For those who happen to have many friends, it is not necessarily that they will be best friends. True friendship is a rare gem that is more valuable than gold.
Reasons Why I Love my Best Friend
1. When I say I love you, my friend, I really mean it, few words can express what you mean to me. You listen to me even when sometimes do not remember the exact word I speak; you take time to comfort me even with your unspoken words. Your look is enough to just say how much you care.
2. For the longest time there so many secrets we have shared, I know my secrets are safe, we can share our worst and most embarrassing moments without the fear of any other person knowing it.
3. With you my friend I know that I can always count on you. I have never hesitated to call you, and in circumstances where I don’t get you, I am assured that if I leave a voice message you will always call back. I love you, my best friend.
4. I love you my best friend because you have seen me through the lowest moments in my life. Without your help, I would have had difficulty getting that first job. You trained me on how to answer those intimidating interview questions.
6. It is good to know I love you for helping me get over my first heartbreak. When I thought my world has ended you showed the reality of getting love or not getting it is only limited in our minds. Thanks so much, my friend.
7. No words can express the appreciation I feel toward you. Many friends have come along the way but many have also left but you have stuck with me. No distance or circumstance in life has made you leave me. Big up for the love you have shown me.
8. Events and parties in my life have more fun and thrill when I have you around. Together we can always turn any boring event into a memorable and enjoyable experience. In our own world, we always rock it. Cheers, my best friend.
9. At any time of the day you let me sleep in your house. I have twenty-four-seven access and for sure your house is my second home. If that is not a good reason to love you my best friend then I don’t know what else to say.
10. Thanks my friend for truly forgiving me when I wronged you. I should not have given a chance to the enemies of our friendship to ruin what we shared. I love and after realizing my mistake could not help but note that had nearly lost the most precious friend in my life. I appreciate the second chance you gave our friendship.
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11. You are a brilliant evaluator of people having a romantic interest in me. At first, I doubted your ability but now I have seen the reality through the numerous times you have saved me from wrong relationships. I love you for that and will forever be indebted to you.
12. During my low moments you uplift my spirit, your encouraging words always ring in my mind, and sometimes it’s the thought of not letting you down that makes me work hard. I love you
13. I love you because you are my inspiration; the things that you have achieved in your life always inspire me. As my best friend, you remind me the sky is the limit.
14. You know why I love my best friend? The answer lies in the fact of who you are, not only do you have a good heart but also a good attitude toward people. You see the best in people even when the world has given up on them. You are a champion
15. Our families have been united due to our friendship; you care about my family just like I care about yours. I know even in my absence they can count on you. I love you, sweet best friend
16. Not once or twice but many uncountable times have shown how much you know me. When it comes to my favorite dish, clothes, movies, or even shoes you have been able to choose the best. Thanks
17. I love you, my friend, you show me your love in different ways, in all my important moments like birthdays you have been there. Every year you brighten my days in many ways I can never imagine.
18. The love between us makes me sometimes trust your guts more than my own. That is why I sometimes ask you first what to do before taking any action.
19. I love you because you are not quick at judging people. In most cases, you have taught me to use their experiences and learn how to make better decisions
20. Of all the friends I have ever met you are the one that my heart feels at ease, when you are around I never worry about how I look or walk or eat or do anything. Having you around does not limit my freedom and I know I can be myself 100 percent. Not a single day have I ever felt the need to hide anything about me when you are around. I love you so much my best friend.
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Reasons Why I Love You Best Friend
When you see me going in the wrong direction, you always try to lead me to the right path.
The reason why I love you my best friend is that you are always there when I want you most.
You can easily tell my feelings by just looking at me.
Even if we don’t agree or speak to each other for some weeks, we always pick up from where we left.
You always know when I am upset or when there is something that is bothering me.
You always try to make me smile when I am sad
You can always tell if I am lying
When we communicate, no one understands what we are saying.
You are always protective of me.
You have never judged me in any way.
You always know when I don’t want disturbance.
You always know when and not to talk to me.
We have the same taste in everything.
I love you best friend because you know me better than my brothers and sisters.
I love you best friend because you know how to comfort me when I need comfort.
I know you will always be by my side even if everyone else turns against me.
You understand when I don’t want disturbance.
You don’t support everything that I say.
You always go the extra mile to assist me.
Even if I shout at you, you will still stick with me.
You know how to tolerate my bad habits.
Even if we were siblings we would still be best friends.
Your smile is always contagious.
Even if we don’t do anything, we usually have a wonderful time.
You never laugh at me when things are not working for me.
You always know exactly what to say at the right time.
I am always comfortable and happy when you are around me.
You walk with me when others are giving up.
I can always speak my heart out to you.
You mean the world to me.
When you look at why you love your best friend, you will find there are a thousand reasons why you love your best friend. Some of the reasons why you like your best friend are funny.