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Take Me Away Quotes & Poem

When you find someone, who truly loves and cares for you, you will always want them to take you away. Anywhere they go, you will always want to be there, what they do, you will always want to be part of it.

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Take Me Away Quotes

Being alone is killing me, I am not fine living alone, take me away with you my love.

The most difficult thing in my life is being away from you my love. Take me away with you sweetheart.

This is the right time my love, I can’t wait any longer. Whisk me away.

When I see you, my heart melts, and what I had planned to say, escapes me. You take all my words from me.

My heart is all I give you, take me away from you and I am left with nothing.

When we first met, we were supposed to be friends, but you took my heart away from me.

All my life, I have not known love; take me away with you for you are my love and dreams.

Darling, I want to give you all my heart, if you promise you will take me away with you. I love you.

You make me so happy; I want you to take me away with you forever.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, only if you take me away and never return me.

You have already won my heart; take me away with you my love.

Countless times you cross my mind, take me away with you so that I no longer have to think about you.

Take me to the moon; take me to paradise my love. Take me on an adventure.

I want to travel the world with you, sweetheart, Take me away with you.

Darling, please take me away, I want to spend the rest of my life next to you.

Sweetheart, I will be on this never-ending journey with you. I promise no one can ever take me away from you.

Take me somewhere exciting, somewhere warm; a place where I will love you forever.

Take me away, to a place where my heart recognizes, a place where you can blow my mind away.

Darling, take me away, to a place of my dreams, a place where your heart wants us to.

Take me away my love; let’s go for an adventure, to our dream destination.

My love, Take me away from it all, even if it’s for a day.

Read: I Love You My Sweetheart

Take Me with You Quotes

With each passing day, I find myself missing you. Take me with you so that I won’t miss you anymore.

I am trying to find some comfort in the parks, but it seems it’s not working out. Take me with you, my love.

It does not matter how far you are, all I want is to be by your side. Take me with you, babe.

It does not matter how many breaths you take if I am not with you. All I need is to be with you sweetheart. Take me with you.

Everyone has a reason to be with the love of their life, all I want is to be with you. To love you more and cherish you with each passing day! Please take me away.

As much as we communicate each passing day, you seem near and yet far away. I want to be close to you each day. Take me with you, my love.

We all have choices; my choice is to be with you. I don’t want to be away from you. Take me with you, my love.

I want to be there for you, to support, love, and care. Take me with you sweetheart.

It’s not too late; I can still be with you. You are the one who has that final answer. Take Me with You!

Don’t leave me, my love. Even if you are relocating to another city, don’t ever leave me. I can’t imagine a life without you. Take me with you.

We are different individuals with different views. You alone are not perfect. When we are together we become perfect. Take me with you, my love.

Sweetheart, wherever you go, I want you to take me along with you.

Take me away from here, take me along with you. I want to be with you.

Read: No One Can Take Your Place Quotes

Take Me Away Quotes for Her

My love, the only place I want to be is in your heart. Take me with you.

Let us travel to the best unknown places, don’t forget to take me with you.

Journeys answer questions that you never thought of, take me with you so that we can explore the world together.

Going for an adventure, don’t leave me behind. Take me with you.

Adventures are well enjoyed when you have company. Take me with you!

Take Me Away Quotes for Husband

Darling, take me away to a secret place where we will be the only ones.

Take me with you so that I can also get to enjoy and have fun.

Take me with you! Wherever you go it’s where I want to be.

Life is awesome when I am with you. Take me with you.

Even if you are not going anywhere, take me with you.

Traveling far, take me with you in your heart and mind.

Take me somewhere far away, somewhere we can explore the world together.

The world is big, and life is enjoyed when you are with the love of your life. Take me with you!

Sometimes the best way to discover the world is to travel. Take me with you, my love!

Take Me Away Poem

My love
Take me away with you
Wherever you go
I will go

I don’t want to be away from you
I always want to be close to you
I love you so much
Can’t imagine life without you

Take me away with you
You are the one
Who understands me
I want to be yours forever

Shower me with your love
Hold me tight
Give me your warmth
Take me with you, my love