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True Love Never Ends Quotes & Poem

When you find true love, you will want to cherish it forever. True love never fades or comes to an end. It is something that is everlasting. No matter how many times you fight, you will always find yourself coming together.

Find True Love Never Ends, True Love Never Ends Quotes and My Love Never Ends messages for her or him.

True Love Never Ends Quotes

True love never has a happy ending, because it is everlasting. Letting go means I love you.

Love is so deep that you find happiness and warmth. True love never ends.

No matter the distance, true love never ends.

I have found my match; I know I will forever love you as true love lasts forever.

My love never ends, because you are the source of my joy and happiness. I love you.

I want to show you how much I love you; you are my love for true love never ends.

Love that never ends no matter what is true love.

A true love story never has an ending. You are my True love.

I loved you once, I still love you and I will always love you.

Sometimes words are not enough to tell you how much I love you and my love for you will never change.

For once in a lifetime, I feel true love that never ends. I love you.

For some reason, I can really explain it, all my thoughts and dreams lead to you. My love for you is true and will never end.

You can pause but you never exit from this love. You may leave but you will still end up with the same person. True love never ends.

True love does not have a happy ending because True love lasts forever.

I am the kind of person who does not fall in love easily and once I do I completely fall in love. If I love you, it’s until the end.

A true love story never ends. I would love to be part of you.

Thank you for believing in me, I will not let you down. True love never ends.

Darling, the love that I know never ends, you are my everything. I love you so much. I will always love and cherish you.

Don’t be ashamed to love again and again. You may be heartbroken but true love never ends.

Love must be nurtured every day for it to grow. Love with all your heart and always give it your best because when you find love you have found a good thing because true love never ends.

Nothing makes one more satisfied than knowing they have found true love and it will never end.

No one understands me as you do; you are my heartbeat, my joy, my happiness, and my life. This love we share is true and it will never die.

When you truly love someone, your love never dies; it only gets stronger each day.

I have finally found someone who loves me the way I am. Someone who understands what I need. May this love we share never end.

The best cure for anything in this world is love. You are my cure and my love will never end.

I will be your best friend, your only love and my love for you will never end till death do us part.

I will never break your heart, I will always make you smile and my love for you will never end.

Darling, there is no single day that my love for you will end. You are the source of my happiness. I love you.

All the good things must not come to an end and that’s why my love for you will last forever.

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True Love Never Ends

Happiness lies in true love. That’s why Real love knows no end.

The highest happiness in life is true love that never comes to an end.

True love is when you cry, but you still want him so much.

There is no single day that true love dies or ends completely.

True love will never come to a closure, it never has an ending and it will never.

True Love makes me alive, true love never dies.

Love is the cure of the heart, the only thing so magical to the heart; love never ends.

It takes a second to say, I love you, but a lifetime to verify it.

True love means nothing ever changes even if you separate.

True love never ends it only gets stronger with each passing day.

True love never dies; it lives within one’s heart.

Real love never ends; my love for you is pure. I will love you until the end of time.

Read: You Are My Soul Mate

My Love for You Will Never End Messages

Without you in my life, tomorrow wouldn’t be worth waiting for. My love for you will never end. I love you.

My love for you will never die; there is always that piece of me that loves you.

The relationship never ends, they are ended by our ignorance, ego, and attitude. My Love for You Will Never End.

Love is everything you make it to be, true love never ends.

Love is visible; you cannot hide it, my Love, for You Will Never End.

Before you I met you I loved you, when I met you, I loved you, even more, I still love you and my love for you will never end.

Trying to explain how much I love you is almost impossible, but my love for you will never end.

True Love Never Ends Poem

A relationship has ups and downs
It’s never a smooth ride
How we solve the situation is what matters
True Love Never Ends.

My love for you is irresistible
I can’t stop desiring you
You are my dream love
True Love Never Ends.

I will not waste time
Looking for the perfect love
But I will create the perfect love
You are the one I love.

With you, my world stopped
My searching ended
You stole my heart
I will love you forever.

Love is absolute loyalty
Looks and beauty fade away
People do change
But True Love Never Ends.