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You Take My Breath Away Quotes & Poem

When you meet your true love, the one that you want to spend your entire life with, you feel like you never want to lose him or her.

In this article, we are going to look at, you take my breath away quotes, poems, and messages.

You Take My Breath Away Quotes

My life has been a blessing since I met you, you take my breath away and I love you so much.

I did not know what love meant until you took my breath away.

If only you knew how my soul feels when I am not with you, I can feel it aching, so lonely because you are the one who takes my breath away.

Life is not all about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that we share and take our breath away.

Every single day, I don’t want to miss being next to you. I yearn for your love and kisses. I love you.

The first day I saw you, and you came close to me, I forgot how to breathe, at that moment you took my breath away.

You don’t even have to try hard as no one can take my breath away as you do.

Unless I tell you how I feel, you can’t know what is inside me, my heart is all yours, you have already stolen it and you take my breath away.

Your smile takes my breath away; all the things I wanted to tell you just vanished, I hope my eyes will speak for my heart.

Read: Take Me Away Quotes

It has never happened to me, when I ran into you, your smile; and your beauty took my breath away.

You are my world, my present, and my future. You can take my breath away forever.

When I first saw you, I thought I was dreaming for you took my breath away. I couldn’t speak, I thought my expressions would talk for me but they didn’t. From that moment I knew you were the one, the love of my life.

It’s magical every time we hold each other, I can’t explain the feeling but all I know is you take my breath away. I love you.

It’s like you never left, no matter where you are, you are always in my heart because you still take my breath away.

You leave me breathless with your beauty.

You are the air that fills my lungs, yet you take my breath away

In your presence, my breath escapes me.

You Take My Breath Away Quotes for Him

The best things in life cannot be seen or heard, they can only be felt with the heart.

There’s always that person in the life whom you can’t let go of, no matter what they do, the mistakes, they will always take your breath away.

I will never forget, it will always remain in me, how you took my breath away. You are the queen of my heart and with you, I want to be forever.

You drive me crazy, no matter how hard I try I cannot get you off my head, I can’t smile without you in my life, I can’t find happiness because you leave me breathless.

Love is like the wind, there is no way you can see it but you can feel it. In the same way, You leave me breathless.

Even if my life is at its worst your smile takes my breath away. You make me forget all my problems.

I pray that we become best friends for life, for you are everything I ever want in life. Every time I am with you, you take my breath away.

I want my life and marriage with you to be a life story for other people to learn. I love you.

You Take My Breath Away Quotes for Her

You take my breath away when you look at me with your beauty. I love you.

Darling, let me love you, just the way you are, for you make me lose my breath.

Meeting you was destiny, but taking my breath away was beyond my control.

You are such a beauty, you make my heart melt, and you leave me speechless because you take my breath away.

One thing that I know very well is breathing, but I forget everything once I see you.

When I look into your eyes, I can see your heart, your beauty, and your smiles, which makes me forget my thoughts.

Life is a journey, on the way you will always meet that one person who takes your breath away, not because they want to, but because they were meant to take your breath away.

Darling, each time I see you, I stop breathing for a second. You just take my breath away.

Sweetheart, your presence takes my breath away.

Read: You Are the Air I Breathe Quotes

He Takes My Breath Away Quotes

You are the love that came into my life without warning, from the first day, you took my breath away.

I live in this world just for you; I can’t pretend that there is nothing between us when you talk to me when you look at me; you just take my breath away.

They say love comes once in a lifetime, but I guess it’s true because every time I see you, my heart holds its breath. It’s like you take my breath away.

Love is not about finding the Mr. Right, it’s about finding the person who will always be there for you, and that person is you.

With you in my life, life becomes sweeter and sweeter, you are the pillar of my life as you take my breath away.

No person can take my breath away, but you, you don’t even have to try hard. It’s automatic.

You Take My Breath Away Poem

When you are close to me
When you speak
When you touch me
You take my breath away

When you smile
When you look into my eyes
Everything else fades away
You take my breath away

You are the one
You have stolen my heart
I lose control and shiver deep inside
Every time you take my breath away

You have changed my life
Captured my love
I could give everything in life
Just to have you.


I hope you have found the best You Take My Breath Away Quotes or messages to send to her or him.