There is Nothing as sweet as falling in love. There are many things that can make life beautiful. Poems about love will always be the in thing. They will never become old-fashioned. You don’t need to be a poet. These short poems will inspire you to find the correct words for your poem that will make her fall in love with you.
In this post, you will find short poems that will make her fall in love with you.
My True Love
Every single day
I have been fighting this feeling
That I can’t explain
I wouldn’t want to rush things
But I see you more than a friend
You are my true love
I can’t ignore the thoughts I have
The feeling is growing strong
When I spend time with you
I feel relaxed and comfortable
When I wake up
When I go to sleep
When I am alone
I am filled with your thoughts
This is true love I feel for you
My heart is burning with passion
I want to spend my life with you
You are my true love
You Spark Up My Life Poem
If you are searching for poems to make her fall in love with you, try out, you spark up my life poem.
You are my world
You are my dream come true
You are everything to me
You spark up my life
When you are with me
I feel comfortable
It’s like I have known you for years
I love you so much
You are my joy
You are my happiness
You spark up my life
As I found peace in you
When I am down
You spark up my life
You make me alive
Thank you for being there for me
I will love you till the end of time
You will always be in my thoughts
Built a special place for you in my heart
As you spark up my life
Read: Short Love Poems for Her
My Best Love Poem
You are my best love
My best friend
When I am low
You are the one I run to
You are the one
Who understands me better?
You know what I like and dislike most
You are my best love
You know how to make me feel
The way I want
You know where to touch
You know exactly what to do
You’re always there for me
You care so much
That’s why I love you
You are my best love
You provide me with warmth,
When it’s cold
You are my sunshine
When it’s cloudy
You are my best love
Read: I Will Do Anything for You
Wondering About You
I miss you so much
My thoughts are about you
I can’t sleep without thinking about you
I am wondering about you
I’ve been waiting for you
All my life, I’ve been searching for you
My dreams have been about you
Wondering about you
I have spent sleepless nights
The nights became lonely
My heart was empty
Wondering about you
What would I do?
Without you by my side
I wouldn’t stop wondering where you are
Searching for you everywhere
I had locked my heart for you
To give you the keys to my heart
To walk this road together
My mind was wondering about you
Would you accept me?
Passion of Loving You Poem
Loving you is not a choice
It’s my passion
Even before I met you
I had the passion of Loving You
Loving you gives me purpose
A Purpose to live
A purpose to be who I am
A purpose to be there for you
The passion of loving you
Makes me do things the way I do
I cannot control my love for you
It has driven me crazy
I will do anything for you
The passion of loving you is great
I will love you
Till the end of time
The passion of loving you
Burns inside me
I can’t stop loving you
You are the key to my heart
Rest in Your Love Poem
I want to rest in your love
I want my thoughts to be about you
You give me peace of mind
I want to rest in your love
It’s where I find joy and happiness
It’s where my fears are cast away
Your love is all I need
You are my strength
You are my hope
Your love is my shelter
I want to rest in your love
Your beauty is so charming
You are the best thing in my life
You have brought blessings to my life
I want to rest in your love
You are a gift of life
You came with a lot of blessings
You have shown me love that I have never experienced
I want to rest in your love
Shelter of Love Poem
You are a shelter of love
I need to shelter under your love
When I am cold, I need your warmth
I long for the shelter of your love.
It’s been cold and empty out here
This season I don’t need a blanket
To keep me warm
You are a shelter of love
The love has kept me strong
It’s my hope and you are my dream
I can’t be tired of waiting for you
To keep me warm
Somebody like You Poem
It’s a new beginning
A new day, with amazing weather
I can feel my heartbeat
I want somebody like you
It feels good
The feelings are real
Do you feel the same way?
I want to love somebody like you
I want to feel the sunshine
Watch the stars
Have a walk
With somebody like you
I will not let you go
I will hold you tight
Close to my heart
Is where I want you
It is so awesome
To have somebody like you
To love and cherish
I love you
Writing long poems that will make her fall in love with you can be a challenge if you don’t have the right words. These love poems to make her fall in love will enable you to write romantic poems to make her fall in love
The memories we share
The love we have for each other
The bond that we share
Cannot be compared to anything in this world
The time we have spent together
The things we have shared
The ups and downs we have shared
Leaves me with all the memories we share
I can’t forget the times we shared.
The laughs, the jokes,
The places we visited
All I am left with are memories we once shared.
The joys of life
Happiness in life
Are found in the memories
The memories we share
The memories we share
Might fade away with the passing of time
The love we share
Will remain forever
What Love Has Joined Together
My love, you are the love of my heart
When I am with you, my fears always disappear
Let no one separate
What love has joined together
It is easier to separate stones from sand
But what love has joined together
Is very difficult
You are the one I love
I love you from the bottom of my heart
No one can ever separate my love from you
You are my heart’s desire
The one I want to spend my life with
It is easier to change all the seasons of the year
But the way I feel for you
What love has joined together
Will never change
I love you dear
You and I Poem
You and I were meant to be
I’d give you anything just to be yours
It’s been a long time since I saw you
Now that you are here
I will not leave you
There is something about you and i
That brings us together
No matter the situation
We will always find ourselves together
This time around
Let’s make things different
Let nothing come between us
Let our love shine
You Are Irresistible Poem
You are irresistible
I don’t know how it all happened
All I know is that I became attracted to you
My world was changed
From the first time, I stole a glance at you
Immediately my heart demanded me
That I should come closer to you
Your beauty held me tightly
And pulled me even closer
Your eyes are so bright your smile so charming
Your beauty is like a lavender rose
When you looked back at me
And our eyes met
And you whispered something to me
That I will never forget
Whenever I see you
My heart jumps with joy
I just want us to stay together.
You are irresistible
You Are Part of Me Poem
You are part of me
I would like to spend
My entire life with you
To achieve my dreams with you
If I could have a wish
My wish would be
To be yours forever
For you are part of me
I will never be tired of you
With you, I will never be lonely
No one ever gets tired of themselves
You are part of me
Everything I do
My dreams, my thoughts
My actions and decisions
Are about you
I cannot live without you
As you are a part of me
You complete me
I love you as I love myself
If I never had met you
I would have been lost in the darkness of emptiness
I would never have felt alive
You are part of me