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Funny Birthday Wishes, Messages & Quotes

Want to put a smile on someone’s face on their birthday? Funny Happy Birthday Wishes are ideal for the occasion. Creating humorous birthday wishes sometimes can be an uphill task if you don’t know where to start.

That’s why we have decided to look at hilarious birthday wishes that you can send to someone who is celebrating their birthday.

These Funny Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages, and Quotes are ideal for a friend, him, her, brother, sister, colleague, or anyone celebrating their birthday. You can send it as a birthday text message or email, write in birthday cards, or write them on Facebook, Twitter, or any social media platform.

Funny Birthday Wishes

I can’t remember you sending me a birthday present last year; I am returning the favor to you. Happy Birthday to you!

Don’t put so much thought into receiving a birthday present from me. I forgot to buy one, though I am sending you this birthday message to cheer you up. Happy Birthday!

It seems you inherited the best genes from your parents. Happy birthday to you my dear daughter!

I had to ensure my present and birthday card arrived late, otherwise, it wouldn’t be me. Happy birthday!

It feels great when another year is added to your life as you welcome old age. Happy Birthday, brother!

It seems I am losing my memory, is today your birthday? Happy birthday to you!

There is no need to hide your age, you might be old, but you look as if you were born yesterday. No one can tell your age. Happy Birthday to my old friend!

I don’t know how you managed to add another new year into your life. You look the same as last year. I wish you a happy birthday!

You have been around for all those years and yet you have not even added a single weight. Something is not right. Wishing you a Happy Birthday!

We only managed to get three candles for your cake, which means you are still young. Happy birthday!

Read: Sweet Birthday Messages

Funny Happy Birthday Wishes

You say age is just a number, but we can see it in your physical body. Congratulations on turning a year older.

Now you can light up the candles, the fire extinguisher is in place. Happy birthday to you!

Age is just in the mind, you still look as if you are turning eighteen. Happy birthday to you my sister!

Congratulations on being as old as Methuselah. I wish you a happy birthday!

I can’t believe you are 80 years old; you still look like you are in your thirties. Happy birthday!

There are so many candles on your birthday cake but a very little cake. We can’t even see your name on it.

You are not turning 50, you are still a youth.

Funny Happy Birthday Messages

Don’t mind what you eat. Eat anything all the food that comes your way, you are still young. Happy Birthday to you!

Don’t grow up… you will lose your teeth.

Wisdom comes with a price; you have to pay with your age. Happy birthday, friend!

Great news! You have added another year to your life. It’s time to welcome old age.

Do you need help placing the candles on your birthday cake? It seems like you will take hours to place them.

Age is not very important unless you are wine. Happy birthday!

I can’t imagine I forgot your birthday, but the good news is I also forgot your age. Wishing you a Belated Birthday!

At your age, we don’t expect you to organize a surprise party. You are such a disappointment. Happy birthday to you!

Short Funny Birthday Wishes

You are the lucky one, one  I can remember your birthday without a Facebook reminder. Happy birthday to you!

When it comes to buying presents, you are so choosy, so I did not get you anything. I wish you a happy birthday!

I am always price-sensitive when it comes to buying birthday gifts depending on what the person bought me on my birthday. Sorry, I never got anything for you. Wishing you a happy birthday!

On your birthday, don’t forget to make wishes that are impossible to get, and spend the rest of the year chasing what is impossible to get. Happy Birthday to you!

Smart, wise, funny, and good-looking, sorry that’s me. I wish you a happy birthday!

It is awesome seeing you getting older. Happy birthday!

Hilarious Birthday Wishes

On your birthday, I just want to tell you a little secret, there is no turning back. You are a year older. Happy birthday!

You know you are getting old when the candles are costing more than the cake. Happy birthday!

You are at the age where your back feels like your head is heavy. Therefore, it has to bend to support it. Happy birthday!

Let’s celebrate and enjoy this awesome day, but not your age.

What is your age, are you a time traveler or something? Your age doesn’t match your looks. Happy birthday!

The older you grow, the more childish you become. I wish you a happy birthday.

Weird Happy Birthday Messages

Here is another year of growing grey hair and welcoming wisdom. Happy birthday!

You can’t hide the wrinkles any longer, they will finally show off. Happy Birthday!

It’s not a big deal turning a year older; you are still the same person we know. Happy Birthday!

Have fun to the maximum, as it is your special day, but remember you are at a vulnerable age.

Happy birthday! You are a year closer to your retirement.

This year no birthday gift for you, I just came to enjoy the cake. Happy birthday to you!

Funny Birthday Quotes

Don’t let age pull you down; it is very difficult to get up again.

Wisdom comes with gray, you must be very wise. Wishing you a happy birthday!

Old age is the best time to have that happy hour nap. Wishing you a happy birthday!

I can’t say you are old; you have been too young for a long time.

Growing old is not a choice, but growing sideways is. Happy birthday!

At least you are younger this year than you would be next year. Happy birthday!