Searching for Happy Jamhuri Day Quotes? It is indeed a day to celebrate our independence.
Find Jamhuri Day Messages to send through SMS, Text, or social media as you celebrate Jamhuri Day in Kenya
Happy Jamhuri Day Quotes
1. Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans, Peace Love, and Unity
2. Enjoy the celebrations and appreciate what our forefathers did for this Nation. Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans!
3. Happy Jamhuri Day My dear Brother! United we stand, divided we fall.
4. We are a blessed country; we thank God for the far he has brought us. Have a wonderful Jamhuri Day.
5. Let’s Build Kenya for a better tomorrow. Wishing you a joyful Jamhuri Day!
6. We have achieved so much as a country! Freedom of expression, freedom of the media, access to information, and more, I wish you a Happy Jamhuri Day!
7. Freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed over to the next generation. Happy Jamhuri Day
8. Jamhuri Day reminds us of what our freedom fighters fought for
9. This is what our independence heroes sacrificed for, for us to enjoy the freedom we have today! Have a blessed Jamhuri Day!
10. Better to fight for freedom than be quiet and oppressed for the rest of your life. Happy Jamhuri Day!
11. Our founders set the foundation of this country. It’s our duty to ensure we follow those dreams. Happy Jamhuri Day
12. Freedom should not be denied to anyone, everyone is free to move and live freely anywhere in the country. Happy Jamhuri Day!
13. Liberties aren’t given but taken.
14. Let’s remind ourselves where we want to go as a country and move in that direction. Happy Jamhuri Day!
15. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Let’s be ourselves, Jamhuri Day reminds us to be who we are.
Read: Independence Day Wishes
Happy Jamhuri Day SMS Messages – Jamhuri Day Kenya
16. I would like to be remembered as the person who fought for our freedom, Happy Jamhuri Day!
17. Wishing you a happy Jamhuri Day!
18. Freedom is priceless, we should be proud of our country. Wishing you a happy Jamhuri Day!
19. If you want to reap the benefits of freedom, you must work towards it. The time is now. Happy Jamhuri Day!
20. I wish you a happy Jamhuri Day.
21. The truth will set you free, although it will not be easy to get there. Happy Jamhuri Day
22. Liberty has never come from the government. It always comes from the subjects of it.
23. I do not agree with what you have to say today, but I’ll defend its truth. Happy Jamhuri Day
24. To have Freedom you have to be bold.
25. Better to die fighting for freedom rather than be a prisoner all the days of your life. Happy Jamhuri Day
26. The best government is the one that gives you total freedom to be yourself. Happy Jamhuri Day
27. Freedom is a chance to make things better. Wishing you a happy Jamhuri Day
Read: 4th of July Wishes
Happy Jamhuri Day Messages
29. I wish all Kenyans a Happy Jamhuri Day
30. I wish you all happy Jamhuri Day celebrations. God Bless Kenya
31. Happy Jamuhuri Day to all my friends
32. We wish all our customers a Happy Jamhuri Day
33. We thank the Almighty God for making this day amazing. Happy Jamhuri Day!
34. Happy Freedom Day to all Kenyans
35. I wish you a happy and peaceful Jamhuri Day celebration all
Jamhuri Day Quotes
We appreciate all those who came before us and made great sacrifices to ensure that we live in a better country today. Happy Jamhuri Day!
The greatness of any nation lies in its fidelity to the constitution and adherence to the rule of law – Chief Justice David Maraga
We remember and appreciate all who came before us and who made great sacrifices so that we live in a better country today. In their honor, we shall take great sacrifices so that those who come after us may find Kenya a better place. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Enjoy the celebrations and appreciate what our forefathers did for this Nation. Let us build Kenya for a better tomorrow. Happy Jamhuri Day!
It’s a beautiful day, Happy Jamhuri day Everyone! Let’s connect and make new friends!!
Wishing you a Happy Jamhuri day! Enjoy the celebrations and appreciate what our forefathers did for this Nation
Thanks to the forefathers and mothers who made sure that we gained our full independence to give us the freedom that we are enjoying now. Happy Jamhuri Day!
We at [company name] wish you peace, love, and joy this Jamhuri Day and throughout the year.
Let us make conscious decisions to do right by Kenya, in our own different ways, for the sake of our children’s children. Happy Jamhuri Day my dear brothers and sisters.
I join other Kenyans to salute all the patriots who fought for the independence of our great Nation Kenya. Happy Jamhuri Day
As we commemorate this Jamhuri day, let us join hands and work together to build our great Nation Kenya for a better tomorrow. Happy Jamhuri Day
We salute our Freedom Fighters and All Kenyans for celebrating this day. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans. It’s time to celebrate [years] years of self-governance. Nice Jamhuri Day celebrations.
Celebrating One Flag, One Country, One People. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans and salute to all freedom fighters who made it possible to the realization of freedom in Kenya
Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans. Let us all preach love, peace, and unity.
Celebrating [-] years of independence and freedom. Happy Jamhuri Day to all Kenyans
As we celebrate self-rule, this is an opportunity to reflect on your own set goals. You have the freedom to dream big, stretch your limits, to be what you never thought you could be. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Today we celebrate the day we gained our independence. In the same light, we would like to pay tribute to those who fought tirelessly for it. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Today we celebrate the day we became a people with a Nation. As we take to the skies to roam free, celebrate with friends and family as a toast to our independence. Happy Jamhuri Day!
On this day of such historical significance to our great Republic of Kenya, our team at [company name] would like to wish all Kenyans a Happy Jamhuri Day.
As we commemorate this day, let’s always remember to do right by our country. Let peace, love, and unity prevail in our motherland. God bless Kenya.
Patriotism is not defined by those who wave the flag but by those who carry it through the contours of changing history to preserve its values and its place in the world
Special thanks to all Mashujaas who fought for the freedom of our country from colonialism. Happy Jamhuri Day.
One Nation One People. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Special Jamhuri wishes for you all because you’re awesome
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. Happy Jamhuri Day
To all Kenyans! We value you and are always happy to serve you!
Today we join all Kenyans in celebrating the independence of our great nation. Happy Jamhuri Day
Today is not just a day for remembering the day our dear republic was born; it is also a day for paying tribute to the Founding Fathers and the gallant men and women who toiled to give freedom and nationhood to this land of our birth. Happy Jamhuri day
Heroes sacrificed for the independence we have today, for us to enjoy freedom in Peace Love, and Unity. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day Wishes
This is a unique day in our history. Many generations will remember our past and what happened on this day. May our spirits be edified as we forge forward!
Our heroes remind us of the long path to freedom which was a walk of faith. Let us choose the bold path and come together in building a peaceful and prosperous nation.
Happy Jamhuri Day to our Country People!
Our flag is a symbol of the national wounds and scars we bear from the liberation war. Let us learn from the previous lessons in building a prosperous Nation. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Let us take this auspicious occasion to reflect on our past and progress. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day from all of us! Let Justice be our shield and defender. God Bless Kenya.
Happy Jamhuri Day! Let us keep the spirit of togetherness alive!
Let’s salute the sacrifices made by freedom fighters who made us realize the dream of an independent and unified Kenya. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Wishing all Kenyans a happy and memorable Jamhuri Day!
Today we celebrate the heroes who fought for the independence of our great nation. We have achieved so much as a country and are able to enjoy the many destinations in this country that we call home because of them. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Today I join my fellow Kenyans with pride and joy as we celebrate [years] of independence. As we mark this milestone in our history, on behalf of [Company name] we would like to wish all Kenyans a Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day! We thank Almighty God who has sustained you to this day and we pray that His provision, security, and divine favor continue to be with you, now and forever, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Happy Jamhuri Day! The strength of a Nation lies in the minds of its people. United we stand.
We remember and appreciate all who came before us and who made great sacrifices so that we live in a better country today. In their honor, we shall make great sacrifices so that those who come after us may find the Nation a better place.
We salute those who went before us for the incredible work they did for this nation. We will NEVER fail you. Generations are blessed because of your sacrifice. Happy Jamhuri Day!
This is what our independence heroes sacrificed for, for us to enjoy the freedom we have today! Happy Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day! Thank you for your continued support.
Happy Jamhuri Day! Let us all preach love, peace, and unity.
Wishing you a calm and restful Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day! Our independence heroes fought for us to enjoy the freedom we have today. As we commemorate this day, we invite you to shop with us with family or friends. We wish you a joyful Jamhuri Day!
Happy Jamhuri Day Images