There is that one person whom you love so much. The one person who can make you do anything just to be with them.
There is that one person who makes you feel like you own the world. Let that person know they are the one for you. You can do it through you are the one for me quotes. These quotes will help you express yourself to him or her.
In this post, you will find You Are the One for Me quotes and You Are the One for Me poem
You Are the One for Me Quotes
Darling, the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one. The love of my life.
I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me, I can’t find the right words. You are my soulmate, my other half.I was made to love you, and you alone.
Sweetheart, I want to be beside you forever, you are meant for me.
You mean the world to me; my heart is all yours… You were meant to be mine.
Since you are the one for me, I give you my soul, body, heart, and everything I have.
Whatever happened to you in the past is past tense, leave it behind. I am different; I will always treasure and respect you. You are the love of my life, now and always.
I want you to know I have that person who makes my heart skip a beat, you are the one, You are the one I burn for, the one I crave.
You are the one who brought joy and happiness into my life. I will forever love and treasure you. In all the universe, there is only one you, and you are mine.
Read: You Are My One In A Million Quotes
I have not been so sure about anything in my life as I am sure right now; you are the one for me.
You are that one person who makes me want to sing and dance, just for you because I have found the love of my life. You are the one for me.
I have finally found the love of my life, the one who is so dear to my heart. You are the one for me. I freely accept you just the way you are.
I have never felt this way before. You make me feel like I can fly, I am very sure you are the one for me.
I knew you were the one for me when I first met you. I knew we would be together soon as the chemistry was so strong.
You are the only person who knows and understands me in and out, and that’s why you are the one for me.
You’re the One for Me Quotes
Writing you are the only one for me messages can be a challenge if you don’t have the right wording. You’re the only one for me quotes will enable you to write you’re the one for me quotes for him or her.
You made me understand what love means, now I know my inner self and what it needs. You are my person.
I love you with all my heart; you are the one who is always trending in my heart. You are such an amazing person and I love doing everything with you. You are the one for me.
You have transformed my life into a life of joy and happiness. You are truly the one for me.
You matter to me so much; I just find it hard to be away from you. You are the one for me, sweetheart.
Today I’m grateful for loving you, life is so much more colorful and fun with you in it. You are the only person that I know who loves me unconditionally. You are the one for me. I love you.
Wherever you go I will go, whatever you do, I will do. You are the one for me and I dearly love you.
Today I want to appreciate the love of my life, the one who has my heart. You are the one for me and I will always treasure you.
I wish I could find the right words to tell you that you are the one for me, yes it is true and I mean it.
I wish you would make it true, make me be the only one for you are the one for me.
I want you to always remember that you are the one for me; I am saying this from the bottom of my heart.
I wouldn’t mind even if we were left the two of us in this world. I would be happier because you are the only one for me.
Even if the word comes down crumbling, still you are the one for me. You will always be.
The truth of the matter is that you are the one for me; no one loves and understands me as you do. I Love you.
Today I had an amazing day with you. I thank the Lord for giving me you. He has been a faithful God for he has answered my prayers and you are the one for me.
You are the one I want, you make me happy, and you are my heartbeat, my soul mate. You are my person.
The more I get to know you, the more I fall in love with you. I thought this love would never progress but now I realize you are the one for me.
You have wrapped me with your love babe; you make my heart beat faster. I can feel it and I know it. You are the one for me.
I hope you will believe me when I say you are the one for me, truly you are the one who has my heart.
Thank you my love for assuring me you are the one for me. I love you.
You are the only lady that I desire; you are the one for me. Let me love you with all my heart and strength.
I can see it in your eyes, you are the only one for me.
You Are the Only One for Me Quotes
I want more of you, I need more of you, I want to be the only one, the only one in your life. I want to be your pillar in life. I want every single part of you in my life. You are the only one for me.
The only thing that I wish right now is for your heart to be exclusively mine for you are the only one for me. I love you, sweetheart.
You are so unique; there is something special about you. When I look into your eyes, all I can see is love. There is no one who will ever be enough for me. I need you in my life; you are the only one for me.
Even if you walk away, I will wait for you. You are the only one for me.
Let me be the only person that keeps you warm. Come into my arms, and there you will never feel cold. I love you dearly; you are the only one for me.
You are the sunshine of my life, the one who lights up my path. No one can make me feel like you do. You are the only one for me.
You’re the Only One for Me Quotes
I have to show the world you’re the only one for me, and today I want you to know I love you so much.
I wish I could find the right words to tell you you’re the only one for me. I love you, sweetheart.
What can I do to make you love me; my heart yearns for your love. You’re the only one for me, my love.
No matter where I go, I would love you to go with me for you’re the only one for me.
Life with you is so beautiful. You are the only person that I want to spend my entire life with, for you’re the only one for me.
One thing that I am sure of is that you were meant for me. I want to be with you for eternity. You’re the only one for me.
You Are the One Quotes
Darling, you are the perfect one for me. No one is like you.
I wish there was a way I could tell you how much you mean to me. You are the only one for me.
The only thing that I want right now is to be beside you because you are the one for me.
Sweetheart, I am sure you were meant for me.
No matter what other people say, I know you are the only one for me.
You Are the One for Me Poem
With your love
I will conquer the world for you
I will go to the moon for you
You are the one for me
With this love, we have found
We can fly away together
Go far away
To achieve our dreams
There is something special about you
From the first time, I met you
My heart knew
You are the one for me
My heart was empty for long
The pain was hurting me
Searching for you all my life
Till I knew you are the one for me
When I met you
My heart settled
It was filled with joy and happiness
Cause you are the one for me.
You Are the One Poem
You are the one
Who blows my feet away
You are the one who gives me joy
You are the one I adore
I never thought I would feel this way
My body is yearning for your touch
To hear the sweet words
You are the one I want
I prayed for my dreams to come true
God gave me you
I never imagined you would be mine
You are the one I love
The whole of my life
You are the one
I have been searching
I am happy I found you
I will never let you go
We were meant to be
You will always be in my heart
I will treasure and cherish you.