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How to Know If She is the One

Love is a wonderful thing. The good thing about love is that it knows no boundaries. Being in love with her can be a wonderful thing especially if she loves you back. To all the guys, when a girl loves, she gives you all her heart.

The interesting thing about love is that you may not be sure if she loves you back. On the other hand, you may love her but you are not sure if she is the one meant for you. So how do you know if she is the one meant for you?

Knowing if a girl is meant for you can be a delicate matter and today we shall point out important signs that will help you know if she is the one. Below are some of the things that will help you know if she is the one.

How to Know If She is the One – How to Know If She Is Meant For You

1. She wants to talk to you all the time

A girl who loves you will want to talk to you all the time. Being away from her means she will try her level best to contact you in any way. It does not matter the time or time of the day. She will try to contact you. Guys if you love her don’t ignore her calls try as much as possible to contact her. Focus on building the right communication with her as this will help you take your relationship to another level.

2. She enjoys your company

If she loves you she will enjoy your company even in the smallest event. It is not a must you take her to an expensive dinner; a girl who loves you will simply just enjoy a walk with you in the park or just stay with you. Every small chance that she gets she will always try to be with you.

3. Protects your ego even in your weakness.

As a man, she sees your weakness, and still she respects and gives you her support to be a better person. This is one of the important signs to indicate she really loves you. However, even with her support, it does not mean you stay with the weaknesses that you can improve on. It’s advisable to try and improve on your weakness even if how small it might be.

Read: Ways to Improve Your Relationship

4. You have earned her respect.

When she loves you it means that she will respect you even in unlikely moments. She will also want other people to respect you, so she will paint a good picture of you for her friends and relatives. Being human she may not like all the things in you but she will not rub it against your face every time.

5. All her friends and relatives know positive things about you.

Another interesting way to know if she is meant for you is by the image she perceives of other people about you. If her friends and family members know you like the good, handsome, hardworking guy or has other positive attributes then you are good to go.

6. She appreciates your gifts

Pleasing a girl who loves you is not a hard matter. A simple gift like a card will make her jump over you and cause excitement and joy.

7. Ask about your future plans

One of the silent ways that you can simply know what she meant for you is when she asks you about your future plans. All she wants to know is if you have any plans to be with her.

8. Meet parents and friends

Openly she will want you to meet her parents and friends. Taking these steps means most likely she has confidence in your relationship. On the other hand, she will want to meet your family and friends also.

9. She has chemistry with you.

A smart guy will know when a girl is attracted to her. She may not tell you openly but you will see it in her eyes, her behavior, and even her laughter.

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10. Loves to make positive changes that please you

She will want to make those positive changes that make both of you happy. For instance, she may do a catering course so as to be able to improve her cooking skills. She may join a gym just to keep you company.

11. She is not afraid to disagree with you.

No relation comes without disagreement, but even in this situation, she may disagree without arguing or in anger. She will definitely listen to your view and respect it even though she may not support it.

12. Look for a way to solve your problems

Relationship problems often come to challenge a relationship but if she is really meant for you she will look for a solution. She will involve you in the process and want your feedback

13. She wants you to be yourself

A relationship that is based on love will ensure that both parties have free will to show their true character. Guys if you have dated her for some time and you are not worried about being yourself when around her, then you can be assured she is good for you.

14. Not too possessive.

She is contented with you going out with your friends, even friends of the opposite sex. She basically lets you enjoy your own life and interests.

Read: Take Care Messages for Girlfriend

14. She buys you presents

Women rarely spend money on any man they are not into. She may accept gifts but if she is not into you she will not enjoy giving out gifts especially if they are precious or expensive.

15. She is open

During your dating periods, she will want you to know and be aware of any circumstances or events that may jeopardize your relationship if not revealed. For instance children from a previous relationship, age differences, etc.


I believe these points will help you know if she is the one. When you find her, don’t let her go, Love her with all your heart.